A Cabinet shuffle is a cabinet shuffle…
Posted on:
Monday, July 15, 2013
Posted at:
1:18 PM
Jason Kenney is out as Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.
Peter MacKay is out as Minister of National Defence.
Christian Paradis is out as Minister of Industry.
James Moore is out as Minister of Canadian Heritage.
Rona Ambrose is out as Minister of State for Status of Women.
Leona Aglukkaq is out as Minister of Health.
Denis Lebel is out as Minister of Transport.
Rob Nicholson is out as Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
It’s pretty clear [to me] that the aforementioned were found to be lacking in their respective portfolios.
Jason Kenney is now Minister of Employment and Social Development.
Peter MacKay is now the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Christian Paradis is now Minister of International Development.
James Moore is now the Minister of Industry.
Rona Ambrose is now the Minister of Health.
Leona Aglukkaq is now the Minister of Environment.
Denis Lebel is now the Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs.
Rob Nicholson is now the Minister of National Defence.
Spin it any way you wish… there were some obvious demotions with #shuffle13.
2013-07-15 » somecanuckchick