
Twitter continues to defend itself against a DoS attack

Posted on: Thursday, August 6, 2009
Posted at: 12:20 PM

2 hours ago, Twitter reported that its web site was down… although, Twitter really was not sure why

According to Twitter’s status page, Twitter (now) says that it is/was under a denial of service attack (Wikipedia entry for Denial of Service Attack).

In a statement to CNN, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone (Wikipedia entry for Biz Stone) said:

“There’s no indication that this attack is related to any previous activities. We are currently the target of a denial of service attack. Attacks such as this are malicious efforts orchestrated to disrupt and make unavailable services such as online banks, credit card payment gateways, and in this case, Twitter for intended customers or users. We are defending against this attack now and will continue to update our status blog as we defend and later investigate.”

Twitter now claims that the web site is now back up… however, somecanuckchick (still) cannot access Twitter, via the web site, TwitterFox, TwitterTools, etc.

In the meantime, here is a list of alternative things to do.

Update, from Twitter’s post regarding its recovery from the DoS attack:

“As we recover, users will experience some longer load times and slowness. This includes timeouts to API clients. We’re working to get back to 100% as quickly as we can.”

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2009-08-06  »  scc