
#cdnpoli and other #hashtags explained

Posted on: Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Posted at: 2:20 PM

Below is a list of #hashtags pertaining to tweets regarding Canada, specifically Canadian Politics:

#cdnpoli, #canpoli — Canadian Politics

#lpc — Liberal Party of Canada
#ignatieff, #iggy — Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada

#ndp — New Democratic Party of Canada (NDP)
#layton — Jack Layton, Leader of the NDP

#bloc, #bq — Bloc Québécois
#duceppe — Gilles Duceppe, Leader of the Bloc Québécois

#gpc — Green Party of Canada
#may — Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada

#cpc — Conservative Party of Canada
#harper, #CLSH — Stephen Harper, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

#pmharper, #pmsh — Prime Minister Stephen Harper
#prorogue — Stephen Harper’s Proroguing of Parliament

#roft — Right Of Twitter; for all things Conservative, federally and provincially.
#cdnleft — Canadian “Left of Twitter”; for all things Centre, Centre-Left, and Left

#goc — Government of Canada
#hoc — House of Commons
#qp — Question Period (in the House of Commons)

2010-03-31  »  scc