
On Twam and Twammers…

Posted on: Sunday, April 26, 2009
Posted at: 4:35 PM

Twam (Twitter+Spam) is on the rise and Twammers (Twitter version of a spammer) are finding ways to spam Twitter users every day.

Here are some ways to combat #spam, and deal with spammers:

  • Check your Twitter notification settings.

    You can adjust your Twitter notification settings to view @replies from all, none, or just the people you are following.

    Visit Twitter Support for help understanding Twitter @reply settings.

  • Report any and all suspected spammers to @spam and Twitter will investigate.

    Visit Twitter Support to find out what is considered spam and how Twitter is cracking down on #spam.

  • Blocking someone instead of removing them is also an effective means of combatting #spam. By blocking them, you deny them the ability to follow or @reply.

    Visit Twitter Support to learn how to block someone from following/@replying.

  • Do not delete your Twitter account and do not create a new Twitter account.

    This does not combat #spam, nor does it help Twitter deal with spammers effectively.

    Be part of the solution, not part of the problem!

    If you still have problems with #spam and/or spammers on Twitter—email, or submit a request to the Twitter Support team.

Got something to say about Twam and/or Twammers? Let somecanuckchick know!

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2009-04-26  »  somecanuckchick