
The Red Deer River Oil Spill — Update #12

Posted on: Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Posted at: 3:25 AM

This is Update #12 of the Red Deer River Oil Spill…

  • The Energy Resources Conservation Board says it has inspected the area for other oil pipeline or any other oil releases and has found that there are no further releases.   [ Article ]
  • The Alberta Surface Rights Group — a landowners lobby group, representing about 1,400 small farms — ran an ad in several Alberta newspapers demanding an independent review of pipeline safety.   [ Article ]
  • The Pembina Institute says the aftermath of three pipeline spills is enough to call the first major review of the integrity of the Province of Alberta’s extensive pipeline network in seven years.   [ Article ]
  • $75M in damages sought in a class-action lawsuit filed against Plains Midstream Canada.   [ Article ]
  • Plains Midstream Canada continues to blog its cleanup efforts surrounding the Rangeland Pipeline System failure near Sundre, Alberta.   [ Web Updates ]


  • The Rangeland Pipeline System is made up of approximately 1285 kilometres of gathering and trunk pipelines.   [ Link ]
  • The majority of the Rangeland Pipeline System is approximately 50 years old.   [ Link ]
  • According to Google Maps, Jackson Creek is approximately 50 km from the Gleniffer Reservoir — where the booms have been set up to contain the oil spill. That means, the oil spill has travelled 50 km along the Red Deer River.   [ Map ]

Other Red Deer River Oil Spill Updates:

Required Reading:

2012-06-26  »  somecanuckchick